Friday, February 6, 2009

Communication Technology

Communication gadgets such as the telephone and computer have improved quickly .Because of those fast improvements, we are able to catch up with the latest information.In the future, we can expect more sophiscated devices to be invented. They will make communication more efficient and our work can do more fast.
For example computer, computer has store and process data quickly,so the computer can speed up our work, beside that computer can acsess the internet. We can browsing or chatting, with browsing we can speed up finding information or we can chat with our friends. And we can sending email and we can meet many humans in this world so we can share many ideas with other.But handphone is more sophiscated than computer.Especially PDA.
Handphone is more handier than computer.The shape is small and more unique than computer.We can bring it in everywhere,eveytime.In this time we can't leave the handphone because is easier to call our friends or browsing internet or chatting like as computer everywhere. Besides that we can take photos or videos so we can immortalize our moments.
We can't lives if we not communication with others and we can't communication with other if we haven't one of communication gadgets or communication technology.Although many negative effect with commnication technology examle many children so naughty and not respect with they parents.But if we aware how to right use the communication technology,we can't be with negative effect.

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